Tag "Bhutan"

Pakistan’s Standing in the Upcoming SAARCLAW Conferences

Pakistan is preparing to host the 12th SAARC Chief Justices Conference and the 15th SAARCLAW Conference on September 14th and 15th, respectively. The former will be presided by Chief Justice of Pakistan, the Honourable Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa, himself a founding member of SAARCLAW. The fact that this apex forum of SAARC has agreed to let Islamabad host its dignitaries, including as-of-yet willingness by an Indian representative to participate,

Unlike India, Pakistan is not a regional hegemon

The founding fathers of Pakistan laid out the concept of Pakistan in clear, unambiguous terms; it would be a separate homeland for the Muslims of the (Indian) Subcontinent. This dream turned into reality on August 14, 1947 when the world witnessed a new country being carved out of India’s north-west. There was no ‘hidden agenda’ behind Pakistan’s establishment. On the contrary, our founding fathers were brave enough to propagate their