Tag "preparing for ramadan"

The Average Pakistani Housewife’s Ramadan

Let me make it clear at the outset….I am a MAN and yes, I am writing about women. That in itself sounds like a death wish, but I am going to take my chances. Ramadan – A Woman’s Month! Contrary to popular belief, Ramadan is a woman’s month not a man’s. People commonly think that during Ramadan, men do nothing at the office all day; all work comes to a

The Real Purpose of Fasting

Before we do something, we want to know why we are doing it. What is the benefit of doing it?  You must have read and heard a lot about the purpose and benefits of fasting such as health benefits and spiritual objectives, etc.  But all of these pieces of information are based on our limited understanding and our limited knowledge.  Let’s see what Allah (SWT) tells us about the purpose

Preparing for Ramadan: Focus on Food for the Soul Not the Body

“Ramadan is only a few days away and I haven’t even started preparations. What am I going to do?”  Most of us have heard similar frantic self-talk before the beginning of Ramadan.  Contrary to what one might assume, this anxiety is not about preparing the body and soul for Ramadan; it is about the Ramadan menu and all the iftari and sehri ideas and prep.  Every year before Ramadan, I

How to Make the Most of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for us to strengthen our faith and purify our character. The spirit of Ramadan encourages all Muslims to better themselves. The Prophet (SAW) tells us: “When the month of Ramadan arrives, the gates of Heaven are opened, the gates of hell are locked, and the devils are chained.” [Sahih Muslim and Sunan al-Tirmidhi] The month of Ramadan brings with it reduced temptation to do wrong as