
Open Letter to PTCL

To Whom it May Concern Pakistan’s largest broadband service provider is being knackered by small tweaks and loopholes! Pakistan Telecommunication Limited (PTCL) is no doubt, the largest telecom company which was privatized sometime back. Although, the quality of service has improved as compared to the well renown and well cursed PTCL back in the ancient times, the loopholes are now becoming gaping holes from the past. A lot agree that

From Las Vegas to Pakistan – Home Is Where The Heart Is

Usually upon hearing the common saying ‘home is where is the heart is’ most people don’t think twice about where home is.  For me, its not so simple.  I was born and raised in the US, so that is naturally where I am from.  But my culture, my ethnicity, my religious beliefs and even my penchant for spicy food hail from Pakistan, making it my heritage.  So for me, ‘home

What Ails Us?

God, America and India, among others, have consistently been blamed for the ills that ail our society. It is time that we, as a Nation and in our own right, sit down and seriously contemplate as to where and how we went wrong to have reached the stage where we stand today. We have relied on external forces too long to take us out of this ever deepening quagmire. It