Tag "Optimism"

Pakistan – There’s Still a Lot to Love About It!

“Failed state“, terrorism, corruption, killings and oppression are among the terms that define Pakistan around the globe.  Is this all Pakistan is about? I don’t think so.   So what is it about Pakistan that raises hopes, makes us optimistic, and tells us that we’re going to make it out of this temporary rough patch in the road? Even before finishing the first paragraph of this post I can see the

Optimism and Pessimism – Different Views of Reality

Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so. – Shakespeare The master told his disciples that we never see the world as it is, but only see what we want to see. A passer by heard the master and said ‘how absurd! Of course we see the word as it is.’ The master broke some sticks and placed them on the ground, and asked the passer-by to describe

The Benefits of Optimism

We all live in the same world. And yet the world each of us experiences is very different – not because things are different on the outside, but because the inner landscape each of us inhabits varies so much from person to person. It has been said that we do not see the world as it is, but as we are – we filter the world through our experiences and

Becoming More Optimistic

In the last post, I set out some of the reasons for thinking that optimism is a better choice of ‘explanatory style’ than pessimism, and suggested that it is possible to consciously develop a more optimistic way of thinking. Making the transition to greater optimism is really a matter of recognizing three simple truths. Recognize that you are in the habit of thinking negatively We do not see the world

A New Approach to Achieving Your Goals

“I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round. I really love to watch them roll” – John Lennon Setting goals is one of our favorite pastimes. For the most part, we’ve grown up with the idea that things are achieved when we make plans and take the necessary action towards them. We also tend to think similar things about goals. Usually, we associate goals with effort and