Truck Art in Pakistan is a brilliant splash of color, calligraphy and humor on the otherwise blank canvas that is the back of a freight vehicle. If there ever was an under-appreciated art form, this is it!

The following is a collection of photos categorized according to theme. These best sum up the salient features of Truck Art and provide a quick overview of the phenomenal talent and skill that goes into making it what it is.

Animal Portraits

Credits: Iqbal Khatri

Credits: Iqbal Khatri

Credits: The Fast Times

Credits: Iqbal Khatri

Natural Landscapes

Credits: Gul791

Credits: Wonders of Pakistan

Credits: Gul791

Humorous One-liners

Credits: The Fast Times

Credits: Pakwheels

Credits: Danial Shahid

 Credits: Gul E Pakistan


Credits: Iqbal Khatri

Credits: Sarah Stuteville 

Credits: Syed M. Rafiq

Inspired items: 

Credits: Dailymail 

Credits: Pink255

Credits: Rang Ja

Credits: Dailymail 

Credits: Fingerprints on the Wardrobe

Credits: Fingerprints on the Wardrobe